

Lilith Queen Of the Night as many refer to her, among many other faces, but does anyone really know this demon goddess? I can only think of, Karl Steiger. I have to admit I was taken in by his story of Lilith and how he experienced her in full possession. Steiger was fortunate to find such an amazing antique in the bookstore, such a rare find, just knowing it traveled thousands of miles until it fell into his hands. If the story of Lilith had no truth to it, then how would a demon goddess be spoken of for thousands of years and still lay in the hearts of men? 

This last week I was watching late-night horror movies and came across a B-rated low-budget film based on Lilith the Succubi. The ending is not what I expected, but it made sense to be rid of her since Lilith depends on sexual kalas. Well, at least one might think they can get rid of a demon Goddess, but I don’t think so.

Maybe banish her back to her lair, but she will never die. It’s really hard for many people to believe why spirits of different natures want sex from humans, why not? Isn’t that what humans live for? It’s a way to keep millions of people corrupt and weak, especially the human male. Demon Goddess Lilith In much of the literature, I’ve read Lilith has her younger, and many other manifestations visit the men who are alone and desire lust because they are vulnerable, it's only natural to want skin on skin for those humans who dare to explore their sexuality. Let me introduce a book I purchased from Asenath Mason about Sex Magick and having Sex with a Succubi.

Now don’t make the same mistakes Steiger made, he was a victim to Lilith, he gave into her believing he would become immortal, but instead, he took his own life. When he was weak he should have stood strong, but it wasn’t in his nature and this one point I want to make, spirits angels, vampires, and demons know us better than we know ourselves. they know our weaknesses, our strengths, our consciousness if we are aware, our fantasies, and more than anything our desires. Do not think you can control these metaphysical energies, you can’t.

You as the mage will decide what to give and not to give, if the spirit wants to work with you if they like you or not. Our weakness as human beings will play against us during times of rituals, so always be sure of your choices, and do not let your Ego or desperation get the best of you.

As for sex try something new and different, Why? Go to the local bar and look for a fuck or wait around for your boring husband to pull himself away from the ballgame and hope he performs a satisfactory level of Fucking!!! Why not try Sex Magic with a Demon of your choice? Asenath Mason's book “Rituals of Pleasure” will provide step-by-step instructions on how to have sex with a Demon or Succubi.  This book is amazing I enjoyed reading it. 

It speaks about Demon children and creating your own lover and at the very least you can have your sexual pleasures met without disappointment. A suggestion before any rituals are performed have a basic understanding of ceremonial magic and protection, departure, and always respect these spirits, they are here to teach us what we do not know or to be afraid to confront ourselves with. Click on the Image and you can download the following information to perform a ritual.