This blog is a dedication to Hecate the
Queen of Witchcraft,
it's like my own online Altar, and as it may appear somewhat of a comic book
I used AI to create my own characters making it easier than using old stuff
from the Internet which has been used so many times before. As I view my
blog, people are not actually reading the posts that I've written? It
shouldn't make a difference, other than to me but it does when it takes so
much time to create a website. However, my perspective of (witchcraft) is
about change, and the witch getting her hands dirty into the core of any
activism of political areas that do matter, is what witchcraft should be
used for. Yet I don't see people doing this, I only see women who claim to
be witches and find an area of interest to capitalize on. Activism doesn't
exist with any kind of witch, as for white witches they only want to appear
important and knowledgable. Let me be clear, people who study occultism and
witchcraft never mix politics with this spiritual journey and why is that,
fear? The world is a mess and is filled with violence, but people still want
to live their comfortable lives and hide not use witchcraft to create human
change and within the human race that is slowly dying. Few occultists today
don't actually have experience at all with spirits, demons, or angels, many
have piggybacked off those from the past.
To perform a hardcore
ritual on a politician or stop a criminal who might torture a child witches
are not willing to do this. Witches are not willing to STOP the elites from
climate change as a collective to bring balance. Let's leave it up to the
police or forget politicians I don't want bad karma, this is the attitude of
many. Actually, this kind of woman claims their witches don't dare to create
change that matters, as it could rebalance the world's soul. People are
interested in seeking to capitalize on the art of witchcraft and satanism,
that's it. Women who claim to be witches are using their sites for one fundamental
reason: to use them as a selling tool to make money off of others, which so
many women are doing. Why have a brand or site unless the purpose is to
capitalize from it? Is that "witchcraft"?
Cyndi Brannen does the same thing with her Covina School, and many others with online
stores. I don't know it just seems people want recognition and money to
support themself rather than seeking the origins of witchcraft and your
soul's purpose.
Witchcraft has been around before the human race walked the earth. I view it as a part of creation that has allowed humans to call forth spirits whether demons or angels and work with them. Our intention as humans is to interact with spirits and learn from them, listen to the synchronicities, and watch for omens, but how many of us actually do this? Most importantly reach a higher consciousness. Just yesterday I was at my storage and turned around and found a large black caterpillar crawling, it came out of nowhere. Immediately I thought of "transformation" change, this caterpillar represents that very thing. Spirit is sending a message to me. This is what I am talking about and recently I have thought deeply about my purpose in life and what it means to me. Our society is filled with violence, rage, and women murdering their kids every day. Briana Lopez was murdered by the parents of a five-month-old baby and no one did anything to stop it, just like no one does anything about human trafficking.
Right now this is a huge problem with women and many women in society younger and older have become a problem in many ways and using children for financial leverage. Bitching and complaining over petty shit.
As I look around all of the young and older women online with all the social media crap everyone engages in, (facebook human trafficking) are just people who are followers, seeking their niche in this ancient art and spiritual awakening which has existed forever. Yet there are many things women don't share or talk about personal experiences, omens they cross in life, dreams they've had, and invoking of spirit (good and bad). Not to say all witches should share the same experiences, or follow the same path but if your heart and soul seek the origins of this universe and how your soul can travel, experiencing transformation, then shouldn't it be worth speaking about? Other than a capitalized agenda? Witchcraft is not so much a spiritual change and journey for many as it's a money maker to support yourself on. I never engage with social media, but I see its traps and how it's being used for exploitation.
To those who can support themselves financially with witchcraft more power
to you but I don't need to spend 3000 dollars on a spiritual retreat to
follow someone else agenda when I can read for free learning of shamanism.
The witch on the cover is just a face on the label, not a real witch, it's
only business.
The reason for anyone to follow anyone else is
because you seek to learn something you are too lazy to teach yourself.
Reading and studying take time, which brings me to another area of
"witchcraft schools" that is another form of capitalizing. While the witch
in the woods is learning the craft, she thinks let me now develop a school
to capitalize from. I can teach others what I've read and charge them for
it, like the
who has now developed a school and is turning an easy buck from it all. It
looks really nice but is this witchcraft or shamanism? I think not. It's
just another way to make money from people, but if you can with your claims
more power to you.
Don't get me wrong, it's awesome for those who have the support and can prosper financially, but it's all I see. I don't see activism as being a witch, understanding its true origins, getting to the core of what is real and what is not. I only see people finding an area of interest, learning what they can if it's authentic or not, and selling it to support themselves. I've thought of the same thing for a moment as selling rituals, but the idea of liability of performing a ritual for someone as there are no guarantees it will happen or that something can backfire. Now if I curse someone and it backfires that's on me, as I already know I am marked 666, everyone is, and most people don't understand it. Unlike Orlee Stewart I don't need to brand it on my hands to make a point or to gain attention, because this crazy Jewish girl won't curse anyone, but wants to look like a Kooko with her tattoos and piercings. As for the number it represents creation and destruction, whatever happens, it's supposed to happen and my actions will determine how I handle the problem. Sometimes it's a blessing I just won't see it until the cycle is complete. Let me say this, all you witches who are so terrified of karma you're not a witch, witches take the bad with the good and learn from both, sometimes it's needed. Don't be a hypocrite as Laurie Cabot. is.
The reason I express that all of us are marked is that we are 6 neutrons - 6 electrons - 6 protons are what make our body function, 666 is everywhere. As humans we are creations and you don't think the elites and politicians don't know this, they do? Of course, their agenda is for destruction and greed, but witches refuse to go against the grain of this destruction as a collective and resist, bind these mother fuckers, and curse the ground they walk on to stop them in their tracks. Much can be accomplished, but this is why I question all of it, no one dares to come together as a collective actively and create real change. Neither does feminism, the women in this country are just as self-absorbed and complacent with fighting for women's rights, as witches are fighting for freedom.
Mark Smith once expressed how Bill Gates has killed millions of people and he has for monetary gain from those deaths, but does anyone want to stop him, no, and why? He is only a man, yet not so long ago some asshole journalists released an article about how Madam Blatvinsky and Gates are somehow in sync, it was stupid, and it read as a warning. Gimme a fucken break that old bitch was a fraud, most people never believed her. For those moments she may have said something that made sense is not a validation of Bill Gates's personal power. This man is in the hot seat of child molestation and murder and his money won't save him from being destroyed. As I said before, he's only a man. A collective of witches can do so much more.
Most occultists or witches won't curse people or they say they won't, but this is what I am trying to convey are you wanting to appear as a witch and at the same time make money to live a comfortable life, many have, or do you really want to create that change to stop someone from committing a crime or bind a rapist? This is how a witch gets her hands dirty, most women want the nicer version of being a witch with a phat wallet, which is NOT A WITCH AT ALL. Many of the men who practice occultism are exactly the same, they sell overpriced books, such as Smith (who could create change), Ford, Edgar Kerval, Asenath Mason, and many others. They do nothing, I don't believe most people understand the structure of our nation we live in and why any of us are here? Yet all of these people are capitalizing on Witchcraft and Satanism re-writing information that was published decades ago with no personal experiences to back it up.
Since I mentioned Edgar Kerval who I would enjoy meeting. I noticed Edgar came out with a book that I had to do with Saturn and death I can't find it now, but I asked Edgar a question about cursing. Right away he responded, "I don't curse people". Ok, I'm not going to argue if he does or doesn't ( I don't expect him to admit to it) the point is I am Capricorn my ruling planet is Saturn and I know what I can do. Maybe I conveyed the question incorrectly, I just needed to hear an academic point of view. Especially while I seek to understand my journey my soul's true path and my purpose in life. Outside of that, I'll walk alone I have no problem with that, as my intentions run deeper than most and change is needed in areas I hope bring balance. I can't save an entire world that is based on violence, war, and hate, but I can do my part if it's meant for me to create such activism in hopes it will make a difference for the next human existence after this human race comes to an end. My purpose is to create change not profit off others as I seek transformation before death.