The analogy of spiders in the context of occultism often represents themes of manipulation, entrapment, and the interconnectedness of life. Here are a few key aspects: Web of Fate: Just as a spider weaves a web, some occult traditions view the universe as interconnected, where every action influences others, resembling a web of fate. Duality: Spiders can symbolize both creation and destruction—while they create intricate webs, they also ensnare prey. This duality mirrors the balance of light and dark often explored in occult practices. Transformation: In some cultures, spiders represent transformation and change, akin to the process of alchemy, where one thing is transformed into another. Intuition and Mystery: Spiders are often associated with feminine energy and intuition, embodying the mystery of the unseen, much like the esoteric knowledge sought in occultism. Overall, spiders can serve as powerful symbols within occult contexts, embodying complex themes that resonate with various beliefs and practices.
Various methods of money magic can be used with various spirits such as Goetia. I've not had much luck with Bune directly, but recently I was listening to this young man speak of how exactly to work with Bune, he explains how she comes as not a demon but a necromantic spirit. To work with Bune he explains you must invoke her and work with the dead, that may be why I haven't been successful. The explanation is expressed clearly, so asking is not going to get you what you want. My own experience was with Lord Parisel, the Lord of wealth and I was able to obtain what I needed at a most critical time in my life. This was the first time I ever did a ritual based on money needs and it was well-needed, but it worked for me.
I followed Go Virtual her formula with Lord Parisel and I used all the sigils of Jupiter which helped, using the right incense and giving my blood to the spirits. Why not? It's only blood and if the spirits are guiding me and helping me I rather give it freely to Goetia or another spirit than give it to Jesus. However, I set everything up and the spirits already knew my intentions I meditated and prayed. I followed the hours of the planet and moon (I still don't understand the mansions of the moon) so I left it out. The following day my results came through with retro pay of $6000 and $5000 a month in salary for the next three years. I've heard and read its my birthright to have wealth and all that I need, I'm sure it is for everyone but some of us struggle more than others in life to have what we are entitled to, which I still see as an imbalance. Of course, the greed of those corporations and elites at the top are the biggest abusers of wealth. It's not necessary to take it that far, but money can be made, and with the help of spirits guiding you, its worth the sacrifice. Sacrifice should be mild not anything criminal or against the human race in general, but if you choose more power to you.
This IMBALANCE is the part of life that is not clear to me as I don't believe most wealthy people depend on magic to get what they want. All of us have to work in many areas to obtain any money to make a living. Money won't fall out of the sky and I now know Spirit won't allow me to win a lottery game, if anything spirit has blocked me many times from winning lottery games when I've come so close. Now it's about re-inventing myself.
The point is nothing comes easy or for free, you have to study the pentacles and study the spirit either Bune or Lord Parisel whichever spirit you are comfortable with, because there are many. You need to know what spirit wants from YOU! Nothing is free. I'm confident you don't need to make a pact, but you need to bring offerings and be willing to make a sacrifice. Have some kind of work lined up it doesn't matter what it is, something you enjoy and can succeed from, or various lines of work is better. Study the moon when it's full and during the right time, be willing to give blood, spirits expect it. If you begin to see results praise and give honor, it's sometimes hard to be consistent but no one must disregard spirits that help us improve our lives.