
The Three Evils

The "Three Evils", are Qemetiel - Belial - Athiel as these great Gods rule over beyond the veils of time, outside of the "tree of death". The Christian lies were born long before the white man began to dominate America, which is now the New Roman Empire, but religion is not all they lied about. Christianity was already being practiced among Jewish people and many others it was formed and made up and over the years it was shaped and reshaped and molded to fit the agenda of politics, controlling the masses as America began to rise. Now it's believed by many that America is a Christian country, but that in itself is a lie. If America is Christian then why are politicians creating war and murdering people for profit? The white man is a murderer and hypocrite, a nonbeliever in the Creator and laws of the universe, the powers within the cosmos. Christians are here to profit from those lies that are self-serving through any church that is constructed. Those same Christians are here to profit from death and destruction which in turn I believe the Gods will destroy and eliminate this Human race in the next 100 years if man doesn't do it first.

At the same time, the church has brainwashed the masses into believing that Jesus will walk the earth and judge man for his sins, but what if they're wrong? What if the entire story is a lie? Yet all those fallen angels have been demonized because of man's lies to control the people. I have no doubt the wars in heaven and hell began long before man was created. I was never brought up in a religious or traditional home, but I have discovered there is far more to this fairytale of Adam and Eve and the process of how creation began. The three evils were created out of necessity, this world of people can't be all good, what purpose would that serve? Yet I've had the experience of feeling the power of Belial and it is amazing and almost addicting. As this great Spirit was here during the process of creation, and Belial knows all the secrets of that creation and man.

Let's turn our channels to something that I've come to realize within these false organizations of Government and organizations of music and movies. Those who call themselves gatekeepers and control the prison systems are also controlling the industry of music and movies, which keep the masses entertained. However, as many of you might have noticed, the filth of what these "gatekeepers" are forcing people to do is being fully exposed. Homosexuality, murder, imposing practices of witchcraft, and the devil have nothing to do with spirituality or the divine, only to keep those who desire money at the mercy of those same false "gatekeepers". It all has to do with human trafficking, sexual favors, abuse, and murdering people if they choose to work against the establishment and against the grain of an industry that buys actors who are merely slaves for profit.

This movie industry has created numerous films based on the devil, Lucifer, witchcraft, and possession over the human mind and body, some claiming to be true experiences others are serious exaggerations. Some of those films were for the other side such as the bible, and the "Ten Commandments" These are the seeds that are planted in the minds of society, pushing the thoughts of God and the Devil. It keeps people in check, in fear and religion to continue to financially provide for the church. The more money you give to the church, the more God will bless you. Maybe, maybe not? Today God is known by so many names, Yawhew, Kether, Father of Aeons, Creator, and the generic of all names, God.

Throughout time and in many books written people have changed the names and concepts of the "three evils", but these names are the original and there is nothing more evil than man himself. If these demons were as bad as man tries to convince the human race, then why haven't they wiped us out? Now I'm not saying metaphysical evil doesn't exist, it does, but do you have an understanding of how far that is into the cosmos? Parasitic energy is more likely to betray you knowing of your thoughts and feelings because that is what it acts on and through, your thoughts and feelings. It can attach itself to you. I have experienced this, but it's rooted in how people feel deep within their own souls. Other than that any spirit such as Belial or Lucifer or any other Goetia you would need to work at getting their attention to appease you. Frankly, I don't sense they need to go out of their way to destroy us, the human race has done a good job of that already. The root of evil is SEPARATION. Separate child from parents, people from their homes, man, and wife, only to be gay, divinity from humans, family from believing in each other, do you understand now? 

As for the losers in the movie and music business, it's all a lie, an illusion. None of these people have any understanding of "spiritual ascension". The money is a lie, it only seems important, but it's not. Yet people have killed for it, stolen for it, and created war to profit from it. Those same people are abusive, filled with greed, lack any real talent, and have sold their ass and soul like a common whore all in the name of money and for all the wrong reasons the DEVIL! Yet, the Devil is not going to give them what they think they deserve as everything is temporary.

Root of all Evil

Have you heard the expression, "Money is the root of all Evil"? People believe it because if you love money, you can't love God. Frankly, I'm not sure who God is, and yet millions of people have a desire for money, and they claim God comes first. If so then who are they asking when in need of money? As for God, I've been given the understanding it's a "Mind" of divine light, a metaphysical mind of thought and energy and we as a human race are a part of this mind. Everything about us, physically, emotionally, and mentally is a part of this mind. At the same time, we're living in a material world captured by something that may have tricked us into slavery. Something else indicates it is God but not "thee God". The subject here is Money which people need and desire to live on planet Earth. We as humans have fears, and when we grow up beliefs that our parents have imposed on us with man-made religions and other habits stay with us. Yet we never really understand the full story, and never make an effort to fill in the blanks, we just go with the flow. Understanding who we are as human beings is rare. This entire system is Fraud, the money is not real, or tangible, and has no real value. Only our essences and souls do.

As people, we don't realize we don't need anyone but ourselves, we only need to look to, depend on, and seek within ourselves who we are, what we want, our desires and to care for ourselves. It's hard for most to accept this because humans, especially men, don't like the idea of being alone. I find women to be more independent as long as they have money. Security is what all women desire and when it comes to money, we prefer it over men. I cherish this moment in my life to have no obligations to anyone or anything which is a comfort. Now I have time to read, write, and create with no one to bother me or dictate my work. I am my own boss, the driver of my own vehicle driving down the road I choose. I like being alone and I can make as much money as I choose or not. However, there is more to life than money, and it's the mysteries of the cosmos and invoking spirit, that interest me which can be addicting to feel that kind of power.

As I ponder about the Ain and all that it is, all that it has become with thought, with motion its essences of shape and form, will it ever return to the perfect harmony it should have been all along? That perfect in-sync harmony going around and around in circles which is nothing and everything at the same time. No worries, no thoughts, no crimes or mistakes, but what would be the purpose of staying this way?  It could be seen as stagnating, and why is that exciting? Being still or stagnating has no challenges, and nothing to fight for. I realize now that harmony needs "thought", it needs to split away and think for itself. It no longer desires to be a part of that perfect harmony, it has other intentions. The intention is to be a part of us too. It's a part of our makeup, our will, the ego, and everything human beings are, it's just a matter of degree. With this being said, humans too have other thoughts and many of those thoughts are "evil" when it comes to money, see how corrupt we are with something that has no value?

The "Ain" (the root of evil) is described in Sitra Ahra; it is the essence of evil with all that is good, deep in its roots. It is the reason and the main root of creation where it sprang from, where all life began. As for the metaphysical forces they too are a part of creation, as for the desire and goal to lead ALL back into the Ain, it will never happen as these are my thoughts. It's too late to correct itself and its essence can never be destroyed, however, man can fix it, but a man never will because of "Greed', all in the name of "Money".

As for the understanding of "essences" it was already a part of evil spirits or elements developed and born into this universe we live within. These forms can never be destroyed; they are far too powerful. All of these energies and darker aspects (the root of evil) that have been born can't be reversed and man is too ignorant and self-absorbed to believe in the process, to begin with, and to correct all that is wrong in the world, man doesn't care, he is too distracted with "Money". Separation is the root of all evil on the material plane. Yet in the metaphysical world, it's not about money, it's a different kind of evil altogether. I learned that when I came into various spirits in my home when I chose to open the door. They will provoke you, and influence the mind, but our human will is strong we have the CHOICE, to give in, or resist. As humans, it is a gift, "a choice". Choose well.

As for people, this race is ignorant and lacks faith in ourselves and each other except believing in a false "Jesus" and a God who is evil by nature. Most of all believing in men in the church, in politics, rich people. Never look to a man for the answers to your life. Humans take so much for granted and have abused everything that has been given to us, land, water, the air, the trees that grow food, earth was supposed to be a paradise for us to live in peace, but it's not, its where evil harbors because the white man wanting to control everyone and everything and if he can't control people he destroys them. He places all those temptations in our way and gives us choices, booze, drugs, overeating, poor health choices, polluting the air, and destroying homes and the land. And yet everyone just stands by watching and allowing it all to happen, we complain but do nothing to STOP IT!

This is why the human race will suffer and die. This part of life is true, but while we are living make every moment count because, on this hard ride, none of us knows how long our life will exist.


Qliphotic Meditations


Drugs and Witchcraft

Drugs and Witchcraft don't mix and I have no doubt that many people out there who are recreational users have tried witchcraft or attempted it under the influence of recreational drugs. Both can be lethal, so why push boundaries you are not familiar with? I haven't participated in the forum BALG (watch out for vindictive Mark Smith cronies spying). I only subscribed a year ago and looked around. There was a comment that caught my attention I haven't forgotten a young woman stated she was partying with LSD on her own, which is dangerous if no one is around to call for help if something goes wrong.

Drugs and Witchcraft don't mix. Be careful to cross the lines that could lead you to death. Frankly, I've never attempted or desired those particular drugs nor would I now as they are far too dangerous. Plus I don't like the idea of anything or anyone controlling me, but in all fairness to not seem like a snob which I'm not, I used to party back in the day with cock and weed and then I just stopped. It wasn't worth it and it's an expensive habit to carry. Now that I'm older I care about such things. Anyhow the girl expressed she was quite induced with the drugs and wasn't practicing anything that I knew of, but a spirit decide to pay her a visit and was right in her face, scared the crap out of her.

Drugs will play on the mind psychologically at least I know the cocaine does, being a psychological substance. I can't imagine how crazy LSD would make a person feel. Cocaine is heavy on the mind with psychological effects and feelings of guilt when your mind reminisces past mistakes, it plays on your emotions. Guilt can become overwhelming when these emotions kick in, so if you are practicing witchcraft, my suggestion be clean and sober.

What I thought was interesting was how she was just experiencing a spirit in the room. The girl expressed she could feel its power and how overwhelming it felt although she was high. She knew what she had experienced was very real and strong. I thought to myself spirits are always here with us, everywhere, watching, waiting observing our destructive behaviors. Drugs and Witchcraft don't mix and this spirit knew she was high it's the reason why it showed up, it knew it could mess with her just being present and her mind being altered.

Those mischievous ones influence us to act out or can push us over the edge. They know our desires and can read our thoughts, they know our hearts when being kind and giving when we choose to be selfish and ungrateful. I believe it showed up because it knew her thoughts and her mind had been altered, so it took advantage of the moment to mess with her. Sometimes these types of spirits will show up like a dark shadow. It's only my theory, I don't believe they will hurt you, but the spirits will show up to let you know they're watching. Spirits know how we feel, they know our heart's intentions if we have negative thoughts, and they know us better than we know ourselves.

Robert Cochrane is a good example of a drug overdose gone bad to use so he can induce his rituals. This happened with some people he was engaging with. Valiente knew about the Glass situation and disapproved, and she also strongly disapproved of Cochrane and Taliesin's use of herbal psychedelics, which Cochrane referred to as "witch's potions." She was furious with Cochrane when he performed a handfasting for a young couple and gave them a drink laced with deadly nightshade, telling them that they should drink it to determine if they were accepted by the gods or would be rejected, in which case they would die. Fortunately for the couple, they only became violently ill. Drugs and Witchcraft don't mix and Cochrane was wrong for his actions.

Cochrane came to an untimely end himself. Early in 1966, he began telling friends that he planned to commit ritual suicide on Midsummer's Eve. Few took the threat seriously, and Cochrane himself seemed to back off the threat a few days before the solstice. He followed through with it, though, and was found unconscious on June 21, 1966. He was taken to the hospital, where he died comatose. The cause was poisoning by belladonna leaves combined with sleeping pills. It is known whether he intended to kill himself of if his death was accidental. Some of his friends and supporters believed that he had committed ritual suicide by offering himself as a sacrifice on Midsummer Eve.

Frankly, this white boy took it too far. People like to say he came from a line of witches, but the truth is everyone can tap into the universe it's filled with magic and mystery. All humans can access those mysteries because we are all connected to one mind. However, act responsibly whether you curse or are protecting, you don't need drugs to alter your senses and abilities. Your mind is a powerful tool, it's all you need for ritual and to build relationships with spirit, not drugs to enhance the experience. Drugs and Witchcraft don't mix. You don't need drugs to enhance your experiences with spirit. If a spirit wants to work with you it will, if it doesn't it won't you will know. Be aware it might watching and waiting for you to fuck up and it won't be there when you fall.

Children and Witchcraft

People who practice witchcraft and have children should take into consideration the well-being of the child and any other family members. It's my suggestion that it's not a good idea to practice your craft in the home with small children and other family members as they could be subjected to spiritual attacks. The home is a delicate environment with too many personalities and where emotional friction can linger in the home if the situation is unbalanced, which in turn can cause behaviors to act out. It's best to find another place to practice your craft.

The first time I opened the door to the spiritual world I had an enormous floodgate, of course, I had no idea what I was doing and now I realize they have been waiting for me all along. I didn't stop to think about how the spirits could affect my home and to what degree. I was merely speaking Marbas name and BAM! Everything came rushing in. It was incredible what I was feeling and sensing, they are no way to stop it, but I did have to do some serious cleansing of my home.

This cleansing of the home I had to do regularly and verbally express to the spirits aloud they were not welcomed only those I called out by name, unfortunately, it didn't stop them from joining the party, but the divine began to speak to me in ways I couldn't share if I had people would have thought of me as cuckoo. There was a time I performed a ritual in honor of Hekate and during this time I asked her permission if may speak to Belial for help? It was honored because he was there immediately.

Everything went well and I witnessed with my eyes her green essence floating in the air, which confirmed she was present. At that time I didn't sense any other spiritual presence in the home, not to say they weren't there, but probably not if those knew she was the Queen, even spirits know boundaries. If there were something else in the room at the time, I'm certain I would sensed it. I will describe another situation that confirms how spirits can affect other family members. I had a relative over visiting, he stayed late so I expressed he could sleep on the couch, and the following morning he asked me if I was doing any rituals because this family member knew I read on the subject and practiced witchcraft with Hekate.

I replied no that I wasn't doing anything and that was the truth, how could I? It wasn't like I had any privacy and my place was small. He continued to express to me that he was choking in the night and couldn't breathe. I knew the spirits were hanging around and I have no doubt they can feel anxiety or the tension I was feeling at the time. Parasitic energy will act out when energy is negative in the home or family members are carrying this energy with them. It will attack people.

When children are around it's no different and they too are an easy target for malicious spirits to bring them harm. I strongly feel it's not a good idea for young children they could be seriously harmed by any work you do with the spiritual world. I once worked at Bristol Farms many years ago in Beverly Hills this was before educating myself in the area of Witchcraft. Yet the work environment has so much toxicity, that the store was filled with negative vibes from customers to employees. The customers though were horrible people. 

During a brief moment, I had a spiritual attack of all places at work and my face became distorted, a co-worker noticed, and right off she reported it to management. She really didn't know what was going on and I have no idea how or what exactly she said, but it caused a problem. After this, there was always an issue and this place I began to hate working. I later sued the company and left with a FAT check, but all of the abuse and stress I endured didn't equal my compensation at all. This company was hostile to upper management and abusive and racist work environment. the founders were left-hand path PR practitioners since the internal phone system, you had to dial 666 to make a call.

Witchcraft is a very strong practice, I don't care what people think, it's best to conduct all your work in a separate place away from everyone if you can. During a child's upbringing, it's best not to subject children to witchcraft or any other practices if possible. It's my personal suggestion, but if you choose to work as a witch,  just know you can still have attachments its a chance you take.


The Dark Moon

During the waning phase of any moon is the best time for curses and deadly rituals, of course the phase of the moon is just as important as timing. The correct hour with the correct phase and praising the God of the Hour. The best phase of the moon to use is the Dark Black Moon, which to some is the New Moon. Frankly I view the New Moon with a sliver of light and the Black Moon is also the Dark moon is with no light at all. Now its best to have all your tools and create the circle and if you wish to use the Lesser a Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram by all means, but its a matter of preference you don't have to.

I purchase Dume candles for Black Magic and these candles should burn for at least seven days. I will create my own doll out of material and dress it up to resemble the person I am cursing, choose the days and time and corresponding spirits to assist me during this ritual. The candle will be dressed with herbs of mugwort, belladonna and other spices that accommodate this gathering. Next I will have a photo of the person I want to bring pain and suffering too, this will be consecrated with my will, herbs and elements and the seal of the spirit will contain my blood.

There is another way I will sometimes prepare this ritual placing the doll in a jar makes it easier to add those baneful herbs of vengeance, pouring Sulphur or Acid in the jar and other poison's. I will write my curses out in ritual style and then prepare the candle with the same herbs and set up my ritual to perform at either 12am or 3am in the morning. It's said that as the sun rises so does manifestation. Prior to any ritual your emotions need to be on fire, the anger needs to rage in your blood, as your anger pours your will is released during this time as the sun is rising, manifestation is in process. It's important your emotions must be high to raise the vibration of discord in your blood and the sigil and spirit must be in correlation to the ritual. Once you begin and are in mental state you begin with your words of discord against the person you are cursing, continue repeating this as long as possible until you don't feel you need to anymore and come to a stop.

During this time your cauldron should have been burning the incense needed as it for the Witch Gods and spirit that will fulfill your desires. My  thoughts are filled with vengeance, my words are power ringing through out the universe so now let this ritual take place for seven days the moon phase and time should have all be in accordance of the ritual, once you are done at the end of the 7th day, you can thank the Gods and spirit delivering this curse. Cleanse everything including your space and yourself with a hot bath. Once its complete allow the curse to run its course and wait. Do not look back or think about it move on with your day, it no longer matters.  If you get wind of that person down the road, don't  think twice about it, you know it worked and no longer matters.