
The Feminine Void

The Feminine Void is a dark and mysterious unknown den of shadow and light. Why I call it the "feminine void" is because everything begins with birth and the female sex. Everything and everyone is because women have created this world, this life, it's because of us that it exists. Our dark void is a female sex and the complexities of the female mind. The side of us that is a warrior, that can give life and take life. The side of us that desire our femininity and sexuality. Our void is the cave a man wants to enter because he needs to so he can call himself a man. Yet women have control over this and man never does, unless he rapes you and only then its about power.

Women are the only ones who can deliver the egg or in this case another singular birth, other than the sea horse or on those rare occasions twins. This den we own pulsates consecrations mixed with blood that flows through the walls of the womb and begins to form life as we know it in human form, but it's not all of who we are. I support abortion because I  prefer to encourage women to think more of themselves than procreating being the only answer to your life's purpose.

My thoughts of the "feminine void" mean more than just procreating and multiplying, frankly, women should step back and take a look at themselves in a different light. See yourself as a powerful being with a mind that is creative, who dreams, believes in herself, and can figure out complex problems with patience. Our womb is a dark place, but man only seeks to conquer what he wants to dominate and control or entertain himself with. Men and women will never be equal, because of the many influences and misdirections. However, it's best to see yourself as more than just an object forfeiting your life for sacrifices that only you will be willing to make. One person always takes more responsibility than the other. You could have sex with a Demon with Naamah or Lilith.

So while we are on the subject of "self-love" or we should be, let's begin with meditation every morning, take out at least 30 minutes, and focus your mind on a goal or desire you want to accomplish, see yourself committing to these goals daily one by one as you accomplish them. 

Take as long as needed you should not rush at all this can't be done in 30 minutes no it may take months even years. The point is to work on yourself daily to achieve those goals, now you will cross many obstacles, it's up to you how to handle those problems, but remember at the end of the day, it's about you, no one else regardless of your family situation. The truth is kids grow up and hopefully move away and the husband if you have one, is only focused on himself and work. It's okay to enjoy your own company and put yourself first but if you are single all the better to reach your goals.

This is more of desire than a goal and of course, I'm not encouraging anyone to cheat however, let's say your husband can't satisfy you sexually, and you have a lover who can if you can permit this arrangement to fulfill a goal without emotion, more power to you. It's important to know who you are and what you want as life is short and people will always be disappointed. Then why not be selfish? If you know using your sexuality to get what you want out of someone do it.

Now the point of the mediation is to stay on track and focus on where you want to be at a certain time in your life. The intention here is to recreate your own reality and change your life to be about your needs because as you grow older as a woman if you don't think of yourself, no one will and you will lose sense of who you are. You are a woman with needs and desires, fantasies there is nothing wrong with fulfilling those needs. My point to this is to think of yourself first, there is nothing wrong with being selfish. If you are already married and have kids then redirect your life and start making time for yourself. Your needs as a woman matter do it now before it's too late. Nothing is more complex than a woman's psyche and no man will ever understand it. This universe is created on feminine energy.


Dark Crooked Path

I never thought I would find myself so intrigued with the darker aspects of this universe, but I am. I believe many people usually are when they first begin to read about witchcraft. Well, I guess it's best to give this journey a title and call it the "Dark Crooked Path". A journey of secrets and mysteries to discover and of course it's different for everyone, I would imagine it's due to how we are feeling and seeing the world at the time we begin to initiate ourselves on this dark voyage. One night I awoke in fright from a dream I was having, it seemed so real, and now I know it's lucid dreaming, this happened once before when I was a kid. I do dream a lot nearly every night but most dreams I can't recall what they were about. When Todd was sick in the hospital I had one of the most bizarre lucid dreams I'll never forget, but a spirit was over me as I lay in my bed I could actually feel the weight of its large paws denting into the mattress, that's how heavy this beast was. It was trying to do something to me and all I could hear was my own voice yelling NO, NO! The next thing I knew I had awoken and it was nearly 1:30 in the afternoon.

Only two women I've come across have mentioned the floodgate of spirits coming through when performing a ritual, most male practitioners never talk about this subject, maybe it's their ego that refuses to mention it. Yet it's very real as I have encountered I opened the door and the floodgate of spirits came rushing in. It's best to let them know from the start who is in charge and how they are not welcome, only those spirits or Gods you choose to work with.

There was a time when I wanted to reach out to Belial and I asked Hekate first out of respect to allow me to call upon him, as I needed his help. She was there, her green essence was floating in the air, interestingly enough, no other spirits that I could sense were in the room. I assume they do know who the Queen is and have to respect that moment to not interfere. I do wonder what am I doing as I walk this crooked path? What is my purpose? I feel everyone needs a purpose or two. I guess for now I'll work at learning and experiencing every moment I can to reach my goal of "transformation", this will be my purpose.

Let me share a few interesting moments growing up because something gave me an impression as I called on the spiritual energy I have encountered so far. Only that they must have been waiting for me all along. Some interesting facts I can recall as a child I believe have led me to this moment in my life seeking and desiring transformation. As a child my favorite books I still have today are "Frog and Toad", I was always attracted to skulls and serpents. My father once kept a snake and I would go with him to the pet store as he purchased mice for it to eat, but I hated watching the poor mouse get devoured, so I stuck my hand in its cage and grabbed the mouse, releasing it into the hill in our yard. Of course, being only a child I didn't stop to think it died as it was a domestic mouse. Even now I have a stuffed toy frog I can't recall where I got it. Only for a short time did I have a real one and watch him grow but when I moved I had to give him away to the frog farm, that was a sad day. I loved that little guy.

As the color purple is my signature color and interestingly enough the "purple people" were the "descendants of Cain". from what I read, who later invaded the Jews and Egyptians during the Ugartic Times. I've been learning and calmly leaning into my aggressive energies to find balance. My fears have faded away because they no longer serve my life and my courage has increased. I'm changing and it's all a part of walking this Dark Crooked Path. When you work at yourself to improve your thinking, allowing your soul to perceive change, you discover a new you. It's important to increase and continue this change and keep a steady balance while exploring the magical path.

My emotions have found a new courage and for that, I won't allow them to be stuck in this material that is infected with shit. There is a dream I had months ago but I could see myself, I was so far out in space and I was looking down at the planet Earth. It too felt like a lucid dream. it was incredible I truly felt myself far out in space in the dark and looking at a huge ball, a planet I was no longer a part of. It was amazing truly amazing. It was time to invoke Hekate and walk beside her on this crooked path. I want to discover the true origins of witchcraft as it can't be learned by a YouTube video, only by spirit guides and the Queen herself. I am confident I have nothing to fear, but excited I have so much to discover.